Ühesõnaga, mul pole aega ega võimalust neid aidata, aga kui keegi tahab ning soovib endale Lalibelast (maailma ühed ägedamad kaljukirikud, mille kohta lisan ka foto) sõpru leida, siis andke tuld. Minu selle nö sidemehe nimi on Abebe Alemu ja tema meiliaadress on - lalibelast.gorgefutclub@yahoo.com
Panen siis otsa tema kirja + küsisin poiste kohta arvamust ühelt healt tuttavalt Kassa, kes ise on Lalibelast pärit ja tunneb neid kutte. Kassa ise õpib Addis Ababas mingis kolledžis turismi, tema aitaski need putsad Addisest Lalibelasse saata. Muide, kui keegi tahab Etioopiasse reisima minna või teab mõnda seltskonda sinna minemas, siis Kassa on nõus hea meelega hakkama giidiks teile. Andke teada, ma siis võin huvilised temaga kokku viia. Ta on hea ja korralik kutt. Meie tegime Villuga koos temaga paar aastat tagasi mälestusväärse reisi. Kassa unistuseks on teha oma turfirma.
Abebe kiri:
It is our pleasure to write to you everything about us. It is because of you that we have become the big deal in the sport office of Lalibela city administration. As we tried to tell you
we set up this foot ball team in a vision to be the good citizen of the country and to become the best footballer of the city as well as the country. There was no one beside us to make our dream in to reality. It was you who foresee our future and gave yourself for our best. We have words to thank you for your great dedication. While we were celebrating your donation and thinking about the next move, suddenly the city administration brought the idea which is believed to help us in the way we want. However, it was not the decision that took us in to consideration. As we tried to make it clear in the previous email, we were asked to pay a lot of money for the registration process which we can’t afford. That is why we wrote to you to do something you can and we also have sent you the official letter form of the office. But it looks like that it is beyond your capacity to pay the expected amount in the mean time. We had no option and therefore we hade to cry for the reconsideration of the decision of the office. Fortunately, the office was ready to help us seeing our dedication and commitment and also hope to become the good citizen. It was in such understanding that the office summoned our family and discussed about our fate. Our families are not in a position to pay even a penny. We, together with our parents, had to beg the office to make some improvements on its decision and finally they came up with the idea that we have at least to pay half of the previous amount. The situation turned to be in favor of us because we were so successful in
convincing the office that we will let you know the new decision and you will help us become the recognized in the city sport bureau.
It is quite apparent that it might be very difficult for you to get all the money at once. Navertheless, we would like you to help us in any way you want. What the sport bureau demands us now is just half of the previous amount that is about 4,300 Ethiopian birr which is equivalent to 420 US dollars. Unless we pay this in the given time, our sport materials and other necessary materials will be confiscated and will be given to other that fulfills the requirements. We are now given three weeks to pay all the money for the bureau. And then we will have full right to participate in any tournaments prepared by the city as well as the federal sport bureau. We know that it is quite difficult, but please do something abut it.
Just use your connection and help us acquire the nice future. We know that you are capable of doing that. You have no idea how we are very eager to see us in the tournament that will be held in the city soon. We have this hope that you also will be happy to see your effort bearing fruit.
Dear Mr.Jaanus it is you who gave us hope and hand, it is you who made light on the darker side of our future, it is you who gave us advice and materials, it is you who make our dream evergreen. It must be you who have to get us out from where we are now. We have great hope and trust in you that you won’t let us down in times of crisis. Will you? We think that you won’t. Any ways we will be expecting your positive and kind reply soon. God bless you all with his love and prosperity.
With great respect
Your St. Gorge foot ball team from Lalibela.
Ja Kassa kirjutas:
Jannus about the boys in Lalibela, I have heard about the discount the city sport bureau made. As far as I am concerned it is a good opportunity for them. Though I know about it, I didn’t want to trouble you because I have read in your previous email that you have no money at the time and I didn’t want to trouble you knowing that. But if you are asking me to give you some advice, it is a good opportunity for all. I mean if you want to help the boys, you don’t have to miss this chance. I think the bureau can’t give them more time .so it would be better to react now. I mean if you can afford to help them, this is the right time. I am not trying to convince you but telling you the reality. This is what I see about the situation. I will try to email you if I hear other news about it. if there is any thing you want to know please don’t hesitate. I will be glad to help you in any way I can. I will be looking forward to hear from you soon your friend Kassa.
13 kommentaari:
Asi tundub veits skämmi moodi. Eriti see, et "büroo tegi alet". Kui on ette nähtud mingi ametlik lõiv, siis on ülimalt kahtlane, et allahindlust tehakse. Pigem tahab keegi lihtsalt teenida?
Kas tüübid sulle mingi pildi saatsid, kus nad uute putsadega poseerivad? Küsi sellist pilti nende käest. Ma ei imesta, kui need putsad on kuskil turul kellegi poolt maha müüdud... ;)
head mesikeeled on kyll:)
ei saa muidugi aafrika poistele ette heita, et nad kohe skämmima hakkavad - "küsija suu peale ei lööda" eksole. aga samas on ka valge mehe kohus mitte lasta ennast lohku tõmmata.
80% tõenäosusega skämmib see jalkameeskond või siis see "abebe" üksinda. ehk mingit registreerimisraha kuskil ei küsita, või pole neil plaaniski kuskil regisgtreeruda, või pole seda meeskondagi olemas.
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